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Ancient Days
Trusting Faith….What is it?

Trusting Faith….What is it?

In Hebrew it is … Emunah

It is faith that results in faithfulness, which actually imples action. Even the word amen shares the root with Emunah.

Amen means “so be it” or “may it be so,” and shares the root also with eman, meaning “to confirm”.

Trust …. faith … confirm … so be it … are hard to come by in this season of 2024 where we find ourselves getting through the day with a thread of sanity left in tact 

Each day brings more and more confusion, chaos, and indecision. The deception, the lies, bombarding us almost second by second, whether it be politically, socially or even in our own families, has become debilitating. What to do?

Well…maybe we should dial it down and determine first…what is trust, what is faith? Do we have it? CAN we have it? 

In the scriptures, especially in Psalms 112 we read:

מִשְּׁמוּעָה רָעָה לֹא יִירָא נָכוֹן לִבּוֹ בָּטֻחַ בַּיהוה
(mishmuah raah lo yira nachon libo batach bAdonai)
He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast,
trusting in the LORD.
(Psalm 112:7 NASB).

So first and foremost we need to examine our hearts. Would you consider your heart steadfast trusting – or even a so be it attitude? If not, how do we achieve that attitude when we are up against the wall with chaos and deception – even outright lies – every single day? I could give you a long and eloquent discourse, however, let’s just simply K I S S it.

So …. to Keep It Simple Silly, we need to determine that our hearts ALWAYS return to HIM! When you’re heart flutters, when your eyes are burned, when you feel singed and no longer able to go another day, take a deep breath and forcefully focus your mind back to HIS promises! It may take you more than once or twice, but soon, it will become part of you and whenever those outside forces trip your trigger….you will automatically settle in His protective arms!

Can it be that simple? YES!

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