• info@inancientfootsteps.com



Welcome, again!

Thank you for bearing with us as we endeavor to rebuild our website presence. Fair warning, there may be some links ‘under construction’...

Essential Solutions

Are you looking to to get ESSENTIAL? Well, this is a great start up for one to get a fantastic group of essential solutions! The Make a Shift™...

Clarity of Purpose

“Clarity of Purpose” …. can sometimes be difficult to find.  Sometimes finding clarity of purpose can indeed be a challenging...


And today…..we are heavy laden and need total rest…for our body, mind and spirit. Today we wrestle with the state of our country and...

Positive Thinking?

So what do you think of ‘positive thinking’? Some have linked it to New Age thinking, and some have associated it with wishful thinking...

They’re Singing Their Hearts Out!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Can you hear them? Most people think they are horrendous looking, way to noisy, and need to go back to their holes in the ground...

It’s a Time to Look Up

Anyone with a shred of brain cells can see that we, here in America, are living in a very tenacious time period. Where will it go? Where will it end?...