And today…..we are heavy laden and need total rest…for our body, mind and spirit. Today we wrestle with the state of our country and wonder if we can stand tall once again. It didn’t just happen over night…it happens over time, just like anything else. Most didn’t notice the slipping away of our freedom, our values, our common sense.
Our justice system has failed the people, and our country is standing at the precipice of becoming a third-world banana republic. Maybe we already have reached that point. We have definitely forgotten that we are a ‘nation under God’, we have forgotten how to stand up for what is right – no matter the consequence – and we are a skeleton of what we used to be.
But….all is not lost! The Holy One above, the God of all, has given us the opportunity to RENEW our body, mind and spirit each and every 7th day – every Shabbat! Are you ready to be renewed? Are you willing to be refreshed? Will you lay down the burden you carry and enter into Shabbat?
Please join me this evening… we come back to the reality of who we are – a people under God.
Thanks for your reminder that we need to pause and enjoy renewal especially on Shabbat. And give Yeshua our burden for the shame our political leaders have brought on a nation once known for love and support for Israel and the Jewish people.
Thanks for your reminder that we need to pause and enjoy renewal especially on Shabbat. And give Yeshua our burden for the shame our political leaders have brought on a nation once known for love and support for Israel and the Jewish people.