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It’s a Time to Look Up

It’s a Time to Look Up

Anyone with a shred of brain cells can see that we, here in America, are living in a very tenacious time period. Where will it go? Where will it end? Is this just a ‘cycle’ of humanity that needs a GREAT RESET of common sense or something more? Well, to be honest……I dunno. Truly….I don’t know. Maybe you have a clue. Maybe it’s because of all the chaos in the heavens that so many are losing their minds and believing things that no one in their right mind would have thought possible only a few years ago.

So…..what to do? yes….


And what are you looking for? In my humble opinion … our ‘answers‘ lie with the One who is Higher than any other, the One who has created all things! Only the King of Kings has the answer. Are we listening?


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