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Where are you?

Where are you?

Surely I can not be the ONLY ONE asking this question…..right?  So much is going on in the world today – and in our lives – that one has to question what on earth is going on?

Is it the end of days, is it near WW3, is it designed or is it random or just historically cyclical? To be honest – I don’t have an answer. No one knows what is going on and all of us are on borrowed time!

So what’s the point? Well, the point is NOT to give up, I do know that! So for myself, I will draw closer to my God – my YHVH – my Creator – and have trusting faith that He will guide me no matter what the physical circumstances look like here in this time realm.

For me, it is time to transcend the way I perceive everything, to let go of my doubts and insecurities and grasp onto the fringes of my Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). It is time, my friends, to re-examine. Re-examine myself. Maybe it is time for all of us to examine our hearts and allow scripture to speak to us in a new and fresh way.

So, what is your journey like? Do you live for self or do you live and have a moment to moment relationship with the Creator of the Universe? In the end…..what will you be measured by?

Just some thinking outside the box….

~ Pam ~ (who is a work in process)

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2 thoughts on “Where are you?

    • Author gravatar

      Hi, me and Soraya are in Canada as you know and I think our country is worse than most countries. We look forward to seeing you guys soon. We’ve been very busy praying for Israel. As many of us are we pray that the father intervenes and stops all this nonsense. Which I believe he will last night. We had some people here for Shabbat dinner. This lady is 98 years old. Loves the father and has been Israel about 17 times and she go there tomorrow. Her health would permit it and I have to agree nothing would stop me from going there right now too . Blessings to you all and will see you at the feast of Tabernacle.

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        Dear Steven & Soraya! Blessings to you and may your journey be one of lighting candles! Please give my best to all of you … and yes, I would be back in Israel tomorrow if it were at all possible and He willed it!

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