• info@inancientfootsteps.com


Essential Solutions

Essential Solutions

Are you looking to to get ESSENTIAL? Well, this is a great start up for one to get a fantastic group of essential solutions! The Make a Shift™ Essential Solutions™ Kit includes: Thieves® essential oil blend, 5 ml Purification® essential oil blend, 5 ml Lavender essential oil, 5 ml Peppermint essential oil, 5 ml Deep Relief™ Roll-On, 10 ml Stress...
Clarity of Purpose

Clarity of Purpose

“Clarity of Purpose” …. can sometimes be difficult to find.  Sometimes finding clarity of purpose can indeed be a challenging journey. It often involves introspection, exploration, and sometimes even trial and error. It’s about understanding what truly drives you, what values you hold dear, and what goals you want to pursue. Sometimes, it can feel like searching for a needle...


And today…..we are heavy laden and need total rest…for our body, mind and spirit. Today we wrestle with the state of our country and wonder if we can stand tall once again. It didn’t just happen over night…it happens over time, just like anything else. Most didn’t notice the slipping away of our freedom, our values, our common sense. Our...