Time has a way of catching up with each and every one of us….can I get an ‘amen’? Or maybe it is just me … and just today.
The older one gets, I think the more our memory likes to go back into the file cabinet and draw out the more vivid and happy moments in time. This is one of mine. Must have been back in 2008 or maybe 09….judging by the little one up front (Sierra Staley) who is now 21 …
It was one of our ‘home’ Feast of Tabernacles Celebrations. It was filled with family – there is mom & dad visible – and lots of good food. That contraption we are sitting under is our makeshift sukkah…. and … wait for it … it was made out of a large dog kennel minus the front part. It turned out perfect. Still makes me smile when I think of it.
Much has happened since those precious memories … and no matter how many Sukkots I’m blessed to be able to attend each year – this will be one of my favorites! Back then I had my husband, Jim, my son Jason, and my parents….today… they have all passed over and are surely waiting for me.