• info@inancientfootsteps.com

As Your Week Comes To A Close

Simply put, may your week come to a close and may you relish this time set apart by the Creator of the Universe Himself.  As the Sabbath begins this evening….and you set the work week aside…remember who you are …. A Child of the Most High!

The Queen You Thought You Knew

Purim is approaching and it holds many mysterious secrets that apply to our lives ~ if you have ears to hear and eyes to see! Let’s map out the characters…..we have, of course, Esther. She is a young Jewish girl from the Persian diaspora who has found a particular favor with the king. Because of her beauty and her personality,…

A Sign In The Heavens?

So the word is out … there is a monumental sign in the heavens coming in a few weeks. THE SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 2024 What’s the big deal? Well….actually it IS a big deal – and depending on the video or report you watch, you’ll be either elated or scared to death! Let’s look at some details. Here’s what we…

Spring into March!

Spring is full of surprises! Including a new gift with your purchase this month! Diffuse Jade Lemon to brighten your day, attract a harmonizing environment with the sweet, floral aroma of Gathering™ Essential Oil blend, wear BLOOM by Young Living® essential oil to create a rich floral perfume, glow with the appearance of healthy, youthful-looking skin and shiny, lustrous hair…

The Test Is Your Testimony

How could a ‘test‘ be equated to your ‘testimony‘? Let’s think about it for a minute…..the first 4 letters in the word testimony is …. TEST. So there must be a connection. What is a test? According to the dictionary, “a procedure intended to establish the quality,performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is takeninto widespread use.” That’s quite…

Rest and Reprieve

Each and every week I look forward to Friday evening … it is the beginning of my ‘rest‘. Yes, I know……I’m. not Jewish. But I do love to see how my Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) lived his life and follow in his footsteps.  It seems totally ridiculous now, but I was so naive in my understanding of ‘who‘ he was over…