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The Test Is Your Testimony

The Test Is Your Testimony

How could a ‘test‘ be equated to your ‘testimony‘? Let’s think about it for a minute…..the first 4 letters in the word testimony is …. TEST. So there must be a connection. What is a test?

According to the dictionary, “a procedure intended to establish the quality,
performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken
into widespread use.”

That’s quite interesting, don’t you agree? A TEST is a PROCEDURE … and through that TEST you will discover the QUALITY of something. So what is that ‘something’? That ‘something‘ is a quality, a character, a strength or weakness, in YOU.

So welcome all the tests in your journey on this side of the curtain. Because without ‘testing‘ …. you’ll never know who you are or what you can accomplish!

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