Though times change…..they seem to come around again…at least some things.
Here I am……at 2023 Feast of Tabernacles hosted by my son’s ministry,Passion For Truth. My 6 grandchildren are here, my 2 grand sons-in-law and my two precious great-grandchildren. Our family has grown – but it has also lost … my young son, Jason, my husband Jim, and my parents Mickey & Ron – have passed through this time veil. My heart breaks when I allow myself to dwell even a moment on their not being here. And yes, they are here in spirit, I can ‘hear‘ the shofar blast that my husband did so very long ago in one of our first gatherings…….but I still miss them.
But as Jay would have said, ‘it is what it is Mom….keep going!’….So I do. And so must all of us – just keep goinguntil our journey as well has ended. Until then, I will treasure each moment with those who surround me with their love. They light up my life!
Love you More 🦋 🦋 🦋
Nope, like mom said……I’m older … got more love … so love you MORE!!!! 🙂