Are you ready?
Is it an End or a Beginning?
Elul is, well, BOTH! It is the ending of a year gone by and opens the heavenly portal of the year which will soon begin. According to tradition the focus of the month of Elul is to begin taking an account of our past deeds and to prepare ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually for the Days of Repentance that will soon be upon us. It is a time to seek out any relationships that have been damaged and begin repairing them, as well as to repair the tears of the fabric of our relationship and connection with our God.
So is it an end or a beginning?
It is both! In the remembering and ultimately in the forgetting – those are the key elements that will unlock the heavenly portal to teshuva – a time of repentance and return!
So, how do we begin?
How do we struggle through the issues of our relationships and reach out to repair and renew? Through a humble spirit and a contrite heart to find our way back through our earthly relationships which ultimately repairs our tattered connection to our God.
Begin with a list.…once you have a pencil and paper, you will immediately have someone come to mind … ponder on their face, their essence and allow the hurt to surface so that you can recognize the issues and face them. Then it is time to seek His guidance on how to repair that relationship. Don’t get me wrong, some relationships will never be like they used to be, some relationships will never even be renewed, but the division that caused the heartache and pain will cease to plague you.
So, don’t delay, pick up that pen & paper and let’s begin …. and continue with me this next month as we work through ‘stuff’.
Let’s meet our King….He’s waiting for us!