• info@inancientfootsteps.com

7 Days….

Day 1 – and it begins…. Wonder what encapsulates a DAY 1? On February 1, 2024, all who are willing can join me on a 7 day journey of reprogramming the firing system in our brains. Why you ask? Because it needs to be done…we need change. If you want to join us –EMAIL ME and I’ll invite you to…


Remember that old ‘Beatles’ song…. “Yesterday~ All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away” Well, that old song from Paul McCarney back in 1965 kept circling around the phrase I heard from a wise Jaffa in in an old sci-fi movie the other night. That phrase was:  “Draw from your past, but don’t let your past draw from you” As my…


Yes,  Shabbat has come to the midwest and I for one, say “YEAH”!!!!! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you’re simply missing out on one of Yahweh’s greatest blessings. This is the time when I gather my thoughts and put them on the shelf. It is a time when I sit down at my kitchen table, light…

Recipe for Peace

So, what’s your recipe for PEACE? In a day and age where chaos seems to be the theme of the day, what gives you a sense of calm? For me…it’s pretty much what’s listed on the meme. So in order to achieve PEACE, I think on the things that warm my heart (my blessings: kids and grandkids and my pup),…

Lucky? Nope – Blessed

Sometimes….you just have to share. .I’ve been having a hard week with my  health … but not as bad as last month.  Anyway … last nite I couldn’t stop praying and begging .. yep … begging the Holy One to answer my prayers to heal my body. And yet again…didn’t not really getting any answers. Sometimes, silence is really not…

Change Your Perspective

It is time…especially with a new year fast approaching…to take stock of our lives and consider whether or not a change is needed. Ask yourself these questions: Are you happy with where you are at in life? Do you desire more in your life? Do you think you can change certain things? Are you willing and determined to succeed in…

The day before Christmas….

The night before Christmas and all through the house…. not one light was blinking nor mistletoe hung…it was all quiet and still in the house. WHAT? Have you become a GRINCH? Are you out of your mind? You don’t celebrate the most beloved holiday ever known to man? The crowd roared with disbelief! With eyes that twinkled and a dimple…


Yep….so true. Everything that happens in your journey here on this side of the time realm….is all about perspective!  How’s that you say? Well, how you view something, is how you will approach it. If you view something that happens to you as catastrophic…or devastating..than you will possibly sink into despair or depression. Falling into this trap and having this…

Time goes on…

For anyone that has lived more than a few years….you get it. Time simply does not stand still – for anyone. And as time marches on, life changes, in so many ways. Valley’s and mountaintops, mud puddles and sinking pits, glorious campfires and devastating firestorms. All of these intermixed in what we call the journey of life. Now that it…

The Story of Life…inside Chanukah

The story of life you say? Yes. I believe that one can discover the meaning of ‘life‘ inside the symbolism and history of this minor feast day….this historical event where a handful of determined, patriotic, God-fearing people overcame the struggles of an oppressive, tyrannical, ruling elite. Stay with me, let me explain. We can all agree that ‘life‘ has value…