• info@inancientfootsteps.com

Time goes on…

For anyone that has lived more than a few years….you get it. Time simply does not stand still – for anyone. And as time marches on, life changes, in so many ways. Valley’s and mountaintops, mud puddles and sinking pits, glorious campfires and devastating firestorms. All of these intermixed in what we call the journey of life. Now that it…

The Story of Life…inside Chanukah

The story of life you say? Yes. I believe that one can discover the meaning of ‘life‘ inside the symbolism and history of this minor feast day….this historical event where a handful of determined, patriotic, God-fearing people overcame the struggles of an oppressive, tyrannical, ruling elite. Stay with me, let me explain. We can all agree that ‘life‘ has value…

A Cowboy Hat

So….what’s in a cowboy hat? Well, I’ll tell you – when you put one on, you’re whole attitude changes, your perspective changes and you just feel ‘different.’ Go ahead, try it…I’ll wait. ……… Ok…so – what’s the verdict? Did it translate you into a totally different atmosphere? Did you stand a bit taller, lift your chin a bit higher? Well,…

Mid-week Ramblings

Here we are again…mid-week ramblings. So as I catch my breath from the past weekend after having a really fun-time with family, I’m already looking forward to seeing them all again. The two great grandbabies are just sprouting up like weeds…and my grand daughters are not babies any longer either, they are turning into beautiful young women! How can this…

A Season of Lights…

The calendar has rolled around to this Season of Lights….and I’m not talking about the red, yellow and green light strings hanging from all the rooftops right now. I’m talking about some inner light emanating from a few special candles in a menorah on my kitchen table. Being by myself, lighting candles by myself….has been a little disconcerting this year….

Hump Day….

Yep……that’s what today feels like for me. Trying to get past the hump.Sometimes one just has to keep going … even if everything seems to be falling apart. And…while my advise to everyone who asks how to get out of one of those slump/hump days is to change your perspective. But then, as we all know, sometimes your own advise…

The Week Begins … again

It is a new week…..or is it? It can be new … or it can be one more day in an infinite number of days with no change, no progress, nothing. Looking at it from the latter point of view, one sees continued chaos, ongoing hatred, division of humanity. If we follow that vein of thinking, than nothing ever changes….we…

A Time to Pray for Peace

As we enter into another ‘end of the week’ I’ve realized that almost all of humanity takes a deep ‘sigh of relief’ that the week is over. Anyone ever think of that?  It’s strange … all of humanity takes a deep sigh of relief when Friday rolls around. Maybe it’s a God thing. So as  Friday rolls around, let’s pause,…

A Season of Lights

Oh my….while looking for pics of our Hanukkah times…I ran across this one…it brings back so many memories!  These little ones are all grown up and have babies of their own! Those days were filled with so much joy and happiness! My momma (may her memory be blessed) enjoyed it as much as I did and those younguns did too!…

A Day of Thanks

Thanksgiving Day…..a day of festivity, family and food. Oh, and football games! But is that all it is? Just a day set aside for all these things or is it deeper – is it more complicated than that? I think so. Remember…this is really an age old fall celebration and you can trace it back to … well … the…