• info@inancientfootsteps.com


And today…..we are heavy laden and need total rest…for our body, mind and spirit. Today we wrestle with the state of our country and wonder if we can stand tall once again. It didn’t just happen over night…it happens over time, just like anything else. Most didn’t notice the slipping away of our freedom, our values, our common sense. Our…

Positive Thinking?

So what do you think of ‘positive thinking’? Some have linked it to New Age thinking, and some have associated it with wishful thinking … what do you think? Personally…I’ve done all three in my decades here on this earth. However, I believe it comes down to WHO you look at in your positive or negative thinking. First of all…

Time to Renew

Let us take to heart this small message….we need to pull out those weeds of worry that send down deep roots to ensnare our feelings and emotions so that we step outside the role of being peace-makers. Now, that being said, it does not mean to be silent when injustice takes place, but may your anger be righteous and guided…

Take time…….

Yes, sit back….relax, and take the time to enjoy, soak in, absorb the anointed words, the wisdom, and the anointing of my grand daughter…. Sierra Staley. Let the words pierce your heart. https://youtu.be/Pu2llsDt0rk?si=R785AF8MtC8ZsMG8

Shabbat Shalom from Me to You!

From our house to yours, Shabbat Shalom! We pray that you are blessed and have peace in your home. Take time to smell the roses, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy His time with you. Tomorrow is not guaranteed! Shabbat Shalom ~ Pamela ~

As Your Week Comes To A Close

Simply put, may your week come to a close and may you relish this time set apart by the Creator of the Universe Himself.  As the Sabbath begins this evening….and you set the work week aside…remember who you are …. A Child of the Most High!

Rest and Reprieve

Each and every week I look forward to Friday evening … it is the beginning of my ‘rest‘. Yes, I know……I’m. not Jewish. But I do love to see how my Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) lived his life and follow in his footsteps.  It seems totally ridiculous now, but I was so naive in my understanding of ‘who‘ he was over…

Shabbat Shalom!

Another week…another reflection of time.  What is time anyway? A collection of minutes that turned into hours that turned into days, weeks and months? Pretty close I’d say. But IN those moments, in those very seconds that determine the length of our lives, holds the very existence of our souls. The existence of our souls?! Yes. Think about it. Our…

After 6….

there is 7…..and the first thing that comes to mind is the 7th day … Shabbat. And here we are, one more time, experiencing the joy of Shabbat! A day given to us at the beginning of time to rest, renew, and reset. It’s, well, the ORIGINAL RESET! So as dusk settles over the land, and the Shabbat candles burn…

Looking forward to…..

SHABBAT! Every Friday afternoon it seems my entire sense of being shifts…. It shifts from the mundane to the holy because I know that the window of Shabbat is slowly opening and fresh air is beginning to circulate in the recesses of my cluttered brain cells. Brain cells that have been inundated with the chaos of the world, the never…