The Torah Portion for this week is “Shelach” and is found in the 37th reading, Numbers 13:1-15:41. Literally, it means to ‘send out’. So I ask you, have you been ‘sent out’? What do I mean, you ask?
Well, in this reading, we see that Moshe sent out 12 spies to check out the land that the Holy One said HE WOULD GIVE THEM.
Stay with me…. So Moshe sent out 12 Israelite men … all but 2 came back with a negative report. Too many giants, too much trouble, too dry, too wet, too everything….except for Caleb and Joshua who reported “HalleluYah“! .. Well, I think they did anyway.
The point is that ALL of us are sent out into our own lands to evaluate the difficulties facing us in our lives. ALL of us will come back with a good or bad report. And truthfully, sometimes it will ‘look‘ really bad. But we need to think like those 2 men who, despite the difficulties, they knew they could take the land because THEIR GOD REIGNED! The Holy One has already given you the promises.
So if you face a lot of difficulties in your life, and it even looks insurmountable…..know that YOUR GOD REIGNS!