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God Bless America…..

From the mountains…to the valleys….God bless America! Mr. Lee Greenwood has been singing this beautiful song for so many years…first time I heard it my boys (who the oldest is now 48) was probably around 8 or 9…. and he is still singing…. may God also bless Lee Greenwood with long life and blessings. He and I may be on…


Have you heard of this young man? Nope…I hadn’t either! But a friend from South Africa wrote to me about his amazing Praise & Worship meetings…and after I checked him out (yeah…kinda did some sleuthing) I was amazed! Most of you that know me know that I try to follow in the steps of Messiah, which includes celebrating the Feast…

The Story Continues…

The 80’s The 80’s brought a lot of changes in our small family. My search for ‘truth‘ caused a lot of confusion and a bit of disruption to my friends and family. Being a good ‘Christian‘ just didn’t fit into my new set of ‘truths‘ anymore. What was I to do with all these ‘facts‘ that were popping out of…

Shabbat Shalom

May the pathways that you travel this Shabbat be clear and easy…stop along the way and smell the roses. May the melody you hear be of the songs of heaven…Shabbat Shalom to family and friends!

A bit of chocolate…

Craving for a bit of chocolate? Oh … I know how that feels! So  here’s a really yummy recipe that is easy, fun and ohhh so good! How to Make Chocolate Lava Mug Cake in the Microwave To make this gooey chocolate lava mug cake, you will need: your favorite mug, of course 1/4 cup flour 1/4 cup granulated sugar…

Korach … and I’m stumped

Yep, I have to admit it … Korach (Korah) always seems to stump me in various ways when I read this Torah Portion. It’s the story in Numbers 16 about one of the leaders in the Israelite tribes, Korah, who had the audacity to question why Moses was the only one that could lead. It caused a LOT of headaches….and…

Just a bad day…

So you had a bad day….do you remember that song? As you listen to the lyrics…I’ll bet a tiny smile is tryin to tickle your lips. Brings back some way back memories from years ago, doesn’t it? It does for me. Even though the lyrics seem ‘sad‘ – somehow the melody manages to lift you up a bit. If not…let’s…

Go Forth….

The Torah Portion for this week is “Shelach” and is found in the 37th reading, Numbers 13:1-15:41. Literally, it means to ‘send out’. So I ask you, have you been ‘sent out’? What do I mean, you ask? Well, in this reading, we see that Moshe sent out 12 spies to check out the land that the Holy One said…

The Law is DONE!

So the Torah/Law is done away with – right? WRONG! Let’s look at that again. Most that believe the law is done away with go right to Romans 8:2 –  “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” So…wait, let’s read that again. Start from the…