• info@inancientfootsteps.com



Inspection Time?

Have you been taking this season – the season of Elul – to inspect yourself? Yes, that’s what I said, INSPECT YOURSELF! If you are...

Do You Just Fit IN? Or Do You Belong?

So what does that actually mean? If you ‘fit in’ doesn’t that mean you belong?! Well, not really … let’s explore that a...

A Little Bit of Oil

On my journey to regain my health, let it be known that I have tried just about everything. And that ‘everything‘ is quite a long list...

It’s the SHABBAT!

Shabbat is a day of enjoyment – it is not a burden nor is it difficult to keep! So no matter where you find yourself on this 7th day, simply...

Just a Name?

What’s in a Name? Well…. we all know that there is a lot in a name…words mean something (thank you to my friend Brad). This post is...

Just a piece of bread….

Sometimes….you just have to make some bread….and that’s what I did yesterday – I pulled out my sourdough starter and...