• info@inancientfootsteps.com

Clarity of Purpose

“Clarity of Purpose” …. can sometimes be difficult to find.  Sometimes finding clarity of purpose can indeed be a challenging journey. It often involves introspection, exploration, and sometimes even trial and error. It’s about understanding what truly drives you, what values you hold dear, and what goals you want to pursue. Sometimes, it can feel like searching for a needle…

They’re Singing Their Hearts Out!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Can you hear them? Most people think they are horrendous looking, way to noisy, and need to go back to their holes in the ground. Not me. I simply love listening to the united frequency of their melody, am fascinated at their emergence and determination to reach their goals and think we, as humans, could learn a…

It’s a Time to Look Up

Anyone with a shred of brain cells can see that we, here in America, are living in a very tenacious time period. Where will it go? Where will it end? Is this just a ‘cycle’ of humanity that needs a GREAT RESET of common sense or something more? Well, to be honest……I dunno. Truly….I don’t know. Maybe you have a…

A bit of Sunshine

is all it takes to brighten a bit of a day! Today, well, it was absolutely gorgeous….the morning was bright with sunshine, a flicker of a cool breeze every few minutes and chickadees a singing! As I sat on the patio this morning indulging in a delicious organic coffee, blended with a bit of MCT oil, my spirit rose with…

Take time…….

Yes, sit back….relax, and take the time to enjoy, soak in, absorb the anointed words, the wisdom, and the anointing of my grand daughter…. Sierra Staley. Let the words pierce your heart. https://youtu.be/Pu2llsDt0rk?si=R785AF8MtC8ZsMG8

Eclipse, Volcanoes, Tornadoes OMY

Yep…this has been a month of upheaval – and weeks and even years of alluding to total chaos and catastrophe have been shouted from the rooftops! And … in the after effects … we are left slightly disappointed, yet relieved. Many expected the earth to split in two, the King of Kings to ride in on his white horse and…

Time marches on….

Unfortunately….yes it does. But it could be a double edged sword as well. On one hand, you just simply get older….wrinkles and aches and pains and complaints. You’ve heard it before, ‘getting old sucks’ … well, in that aspect – yes. But let’s look at it from a different perspective. And we all know – perspective changes everything. “Time heals…

As Your Week Comes To A Close

Simply put, may your week come to a close and may you relish this time set apart by the Creator of the Universe Himself.  As the Sabbath begins this evening….and you set the work week aside…remember who you are …. A Child of the Most High!

The Queen You Thought You Knew

Purim is approaching and it holds many mysterious secrets that apply to our lives ~ if you have ears to hear and eyes to see! Let’s map out the characters…..we have, of course, Esther. She is a young Jewish girl from the Persian diaspora who has found a particular favor with the king. Because of her beauty and her personality,…