The Early 2000’s
As time marched on … and we found ourselves in a new century – and the world did not fall apart nor did all the computers go to death-con one….we geared up to continue the search for the truth! My passion was not abated one little bit. It was time to get moving and see what the Father had in mind for my little neck of the woods.
During the first few years of this new era, my husband and I were busy building our dream house … it was a little-girl’s dream and consisted of our first and only ‘built from scratch’ home on seventeen beautiful acres. My dreams of renewing my horse days was now a realistic dream come true! It was a miraculous seven years and so much happened – both physically and spiritually!
Our mini-ranch grew with the addition of horses, goats, a couple cows, ducks, chickens and peacocks! My five oldest grand-daughters, Hannah, Sierra and Alayna – Kenzie & Peyton pretty much grew up hunting for eggs in the barn, riding a mini pony called Dinky, and learning how to be little farm girls. Our nana camps were amazing and filled with fun crafts, outdoor activities and lots of surprises – for both them and me!
Along with the immense pleasure of being able to train horses, show in cattle events and quarter horse shows as well as numerous trail rides, we incorporated celebrating the Feast Days of the Lord! While it was probably not a ‘kosher‘ setting, I always managed to host a Passover, or set up a makeshift sukkah in the backyard or dress up the kids for a Purim play.
What a whirlwind of imagination and excitement. While my sons and husband ‘went along with me’, I don’t think any of them felt the ‘need‘ to really ‘observe and obey‘! And it showed in many ways, especially between my oldest son, Jim and myself. We butted heads at every juncture. He insisting I was strictly a Christian and trying to be ‘Jewish’ – me insisting that from Genesis to Revelation it was all relevant and for today! BUT the Holy One had other plans for both of us and eventually Jim embraced the wholeness of the Word and adopted into his life the precious appointed times that were given from the beginning. Our paths merged and a new season begun!
From that time forward, the Father anointed him with such a teaching heart that it literally left me breathless. From a little bible study held in the loft of his home in the early 2000’s to a full blown church and online ministry that spoke to tens of thousands through his own passion – and Passion for Truth was born!
The loft bible study moved to the basement to accommodate more people, than to a small rented building and then finally to a huge building that we actually purchased! It exploded! Conferences were held in various states and cities, thousands attended and tens of thousands heard the TRUTH! The teaching he produced on “Identity Crisis” and “Truth or Tradition” set so many free and brought so many back into the Kingdom of God! If you have not seen them, or studied them out, please make sure to do so!
From 2007 to 2015 it seemed that nothing, absolutely nothing could stop the freight train of Passion for Truth from reaching every person in the world! But apparently the Father had other plans as that train not only came to a complete stop – it was derailed totally! Jim’s worked for a company from 2006 to 2008 I believe, and sold insurance policies. Unfortunately, the market crashed in 2008 and all policy holders lost their investment. The government decided to go after the company but ended up in Jim’s backyard. There is much speculation on what happened by many that were close to us, and if you have questions, it is best to ask directly – not rely on rumors and dissatisfied employees.
However, human nature as it is, when calamity strikes, it separates the friends from the foes. Jim was rail-roaded by the prosecuting attorney and feds and had to plead to a lesser charge. It was catastrophic for all our family and simply a nightmare to live through. One of the most hurtful things was that leadership also turned on him and dismantled and sold the church building and destroyed all his teachings.
It was such a struggle to overcome bitterness and anger, but the Father has healed all of us in so many ways – and shown us that through the darkness – there is always light. Would any of us be where we are today if events had gone differently? Could we have avoided the confusion and chaos in our own family relationship and the oncoming disaster of Jim’s situation? Maybe….all we can do now is look back…acknowledge that mistakes were made, recognize it for what it was and release the destructive emotions that carried us through that period. Basically.….God is in charge!