• info@inancientfootsteps.com

A Line in the Sand…

So what do you think….is there truly a line in the sand that the Holy One is drawing? Do we feel that way simply because of the state of the chaos in our world? Maybe…maybe it’s a bit of both. God is always drawing a line in the sand…for you and for me – for everyone. And that proverbial line…

IAF Update

Why are you getting this email? During this past year, many things have transpired….one of them being that my website crashed and unfortunately, I was unable to retrieve any of it – including those who had subscribed to my newsletter each week. Today…..I fired up an old unused hp and low and behold it had an old IAF newsletter contact…

A Life Remembered

  It has been a couple days over a month since my mother (blessed be her memory), a Princess Warrior of the Most High God slipped from this time realm to the next. It still seems impossible that this is a reality. My reality. My life has been intertwined with hers for almost 71 years now…71 years. That also seems…

Bringing It Up To Date

Throughout the years, from the mid 1980’s to now 2023, it has been a culmination of lows and highs, ups and downs miracles and seeming disasters….but every single ounce of it was worth the trip! In a week I will be crossing the golden years into … what? … not sure what they call being 71, but inside I still…

The Early 2000’s

As time marched on … and we found ourselves in a new century – and the world did not fall apart nor did all the computers go to death-con one….we geared up to continue the search for the truth! My passion was not abated one little bit. It was time to get moving and see what the Father had in…

More 90’s…

In 1993 my mother, Veronica “Mickey” Frierdich (of blessed memory) and I traveled to Israel all by ourselves! it was an amazing experience full of excitement, discovery and blessings! We left St. Louis and took a long round-about journey till we landed in our destination of the ‘land’. Our first layover was in Toronto….than in England where we stayed two…

The 90’s

Ah…..the 90’s… the 1990’s were transformational in my spiritual and physical life. Sometimes in one’s journey of life a season takes place and events take place that you could never imagine nor even dream about. This was exactly what happened to myself and my family during the next ten years. Searching for TRUTH became an obsession…in fact, it became MY…