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Trusting Faith….What is it?

In Hebrew it is … Emunah … It is faith that results in faithfulness, which actually imples action. Even the word amen shares the root with Emunah. Amen means “so be it” or “may it be so,” and shares the root also with eman, meaning “to confirm”. Trust …. faith … confirm … so be it … are hard to…

As Your Week Comes To A Close

Simply put, may your week come to a close and may you relish this time set apart by the Creator of the Universe Himself.  As the Sabbath begins this evening….and you set the work week aside…remember who you are …. A Child of the Most High!

The Queen You Thought You Knew

Purim is approaching and it holds many mysterious secrets that apply to our lives ~ if you have ears to hear and eyes to see! Let’s map out the characters…..we have, of course, Esther. She is a young Jewish girl from the Persian diaspora who has found a particular favor with the king. Because of her beauty and her personality,…

Unfathomable Love….

What actually >IS< unfathomable love? Do you or anyone you know have that kind of love? A love so deep, so wide, so without measure, that nothing or no one can penetrate  between you and that other person? A love that never doubts, never gives up, never questions? I wish I could say an emphatic yes, but I can not….

Are You On The Journey?

What journey is that? YOUR JOURNEY! We are all on a journey to somewhere. That is the question. What journey are you on? A journey of life, fullness and well-being? Or a journey of defeatism, blame-setting and dis-ease? Well, I guess that is the centuries old question…we are all on a journey to somewhere. We just have to figure out…

Meeting a New Season….

The Why and the How…. A long….long…time ago, in a galaxy far away….oh no – that was something else! However, it was a long, long time ago, and in a distant city, that I first discovered the ancient biblical ways. I have not left that galaxy behind, I am still here…even though sometimes I truly do feel in a galaxy…

During the Month of Teshuvah

During this ‘custom‘ created centuries ago as a way to be ready to approach the fall feast days, given to us by the Creator Himself, every one of us need to bow our knee and search our hearts. Summer is coming to a close and Fall is fast approaching. The last several Feast Days of the Lord – Rosh HaShannah,…

The Law is DONE!

So the Torah/Law is done away with – right? WRONG! Let’s look at that again. Most that believe the law is done away with go right to Romans 8:2 –  “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” So…wait, let’s read that again. Start from the…

What Do You Call Yourself?

If you follow this blog, or know me from FB or from somewhere else….then you’ll know where I’m coming from. What do you call yourself if you are ‘religious’ minded’? What label do you wear? It does seem it’s all about ‘labels’ don’t you think? Just some thoughts to help you ‘rethink’ the label thing…. Let’s examine the word ‘gentile‘…