• info@inancientfootsteps.com

Take time…….

Yes, sit back….relax, and take the time to enjoy, soak in, absorb the anointed words, the wisdom, and the anointing of my grand daughter…. Sierra Staley. Let the words pierce your heart. https://youtu.be/Pu2llsDt0rk?si=R785AF8MtC8ZsMG8

Shabbat Shalom from Me to You!

From our house to yours, Shabbat Shalom! We pray that you are blessed and have peace in your home. Take time to smell the roses, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy His time with you. Tomorrow is not guaranteed! Shabbat Shalom ~ Pamela ~

Eclipse, Volcanoes, Tornadoes OMY

Yep…this has been a month of upheaval – and weeks and even years of alluding to total chaos and catastrophe have been shouted from the rooftops! And … in the after effects … we are left slightly disappointed, yet relieved. Many expected the earth to split in two, the King of Kings to ride in on his white horse and…

Time marches on….

Unfortunately….yes it does. But it could be a double edged sword as well. On one hand, you just simply get older….wrinkles and aches and pains and complaints. You’ve heard it before, ‘getting old sucks’ … well, in that aspect – yes. But let’s look at it from a different perspective. And we all know – perspective changes everything. “Time heals…

Unfathomable Love….

What actually >IS< unfathomable love? Do you or anyone you know have that kind of love? A love so deep, so wide, so without measure, that nothing or no one can penetrate  between you and that other person? A love that never doubts, never gives up, never questions? I wish I could say an emphatic yes, but I can not….

Day 1 – Transformation Journey

February 1, 2024 …. time to begin our TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY! This morning I arose, did my mundane stuff, dressed, let dog out, turned up heater, made coffee and than ALMOST turned on the ‘news’! I then realized I had a choice and didn’t. I put the remote down and CHOSE to close my eyes and began to shut down the…

7 Days….

Day 1 – and it begins…. Wonder what encapsulates a DAY 1? On February 1, 2024, all who are willing can join me on a 7 day journey of reprogramming the firing system in our brains. Why you ask? Because it needs to be done…we need change. If you want to join us –EMAIL ME and I’ll invite you to…


Remember that old ‘Beatles’ song…. “Yesterday~ All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away” Well, that old song from Paul McCarney back in 1965 kept circling around the phrase I heard from a wise Jaffa in in an old sci-fi movie the other night. That phrase was:  “Draw from your past, but don’t let your past draw from you” As my…

Recipe for Peace

So, what’s your recipe for PEACE? In a day and age where chaos seems to be the theme of the day, what gives you a sense of calm? For me…it’s pretty much what’s listed on the meme. So in order to achieve PEACE, I think on the things that warm my heart (my blessings: kids and grandkids and my pup),…