• info@inancientfootsteps.com

The Test Is Your Testimony

How could a ‘test‘ be equated to your ‘testimony‘? Let’s think about it for a minute…..the first 4 letters in the word testimony is …. TEST. So there must be a connection. What is a test? According to the dictionary, “a procedure intended to establish the quality,performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is takeninto widespread use.” That’s quite…

Shabbat Shalom!

Another week…another reflection of time.  What is time anyway? A collection of minutes that turned into hours that turned into days, weeks and months? Pretty close I’d say. But IN those moments, in those very seconds that determine the length of our lives, holds the very existence of our souls. The existence of our souls?! Yes. Think about it. Our…

Time goes on…

For anyone that has lived more than a few years….you get it. Time simply does not stand still – for anyone. And as time marches on, life changes, in so many ways. Valley’s and mountaintops, mud puddles and sinking pits, glorious campfires and devastating firestorms. All of these intermixed in what we call the journey of life. Now that it…

The Story of Life…inside Chanukah

The story of life you say? Yes. I believe that one can discover the meaning of ‘life‘ inside the symbolism and history of this minor feast day….this historical event where a handful of determined, patriotic, God-fearing people overcame the struggles of an oppressive, tyrannical, ruling elite. Stay with me, let me explain. We can all agree that ‘life‘ has value…

A Prayer and a Blessing

As you celebrate the abundance of what you have been given by the Creator of the Universe, may you sit down and be thankful for His mercies. Here is a prayer that I pray for you this day: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the laughter of the children, for my own life breath, for the abundance of food…


Time has a way of catching up with each and every one of us….can I get an ‘amen’?  Or maybe it is just me … and just today. The older one gets, I think the more our memory likes to go back into the file cabinet and draw out the more vivid and happy moments in time. This is one…

Sukkot Musings…..

Good morning! What a beautiful, serene morning…or mid-morning actually.  I’m enjoying a week-long break in the form of the seventh biblical feast day of the Lord. It’s called the Feast of Tabernacles, or in short, “Sukkot“. The days have been so enjoyable, so serene, and so needed. Even the alone times – and I’ve had quite a bit of that…


This little girl is my beautiful, sweet, godly young Sierra … she turns 22 today…22! I can hardly believe it when I say it outloud….she was such a spry, active little thing, climbing up haystacks at the farm, letting tiny frogs crawl up her arm, running in and out of the sprinkler…dancing her heart out at nana camp….where have the…

Time….and time again…

Though times change…..they seem to come around again…at least some things. Here I am……at  2023 Feast of Tabernacles hosted by my son’s ministry, Passion For Truth. My 6 grandchildren are here, my 2 grand sons-in-law and my two precious great-grandchildren. Our family has grown – but it has also lost … my young son, Jason, my husband Jim, and my parents…

Meeting a New Season….

The Why and the How…. A long….long…time ago, in a galaxy far away….oh no – that was something else! However, it was a long, long time ago, and in a distant city, that I first discovered the ancient biblical ways. I have not left that galaxy behind, I am still here…even though sometimes I truly do feel in a galaxy…